mandag den 3. februar 2014

Shad feat. Eternia - "Love Means" (Booomerang-kampagne status: 1500+)

Så blev der indsamlet 1500 kroner til LEFTOVERS2013 projektet, hvilket betyder, at jeg skylder et nummer. 

Top 10 bedste levende rappere? Det er en længere diskussion, vi ikke gider at kaste os ud i nu, men så længe Shad er med på din liste er den fin. Med fire rasende flotte udgivelser under sit bælte, har Canadiske Shadrach Kabango vist sig at være en af de dygtigste og mest konsistente rappere på denne side af årtusindeskiftet. Dog stadig en underhund i et større perspektiv, på trods af, at han snuppede en Juno Award foran næsen på Drake for årets hiphop album 2011.
     Sidste år gav han os Flying Colours; hans mest alsidige album hidtil, hvor han søgte at hive og trække lidt i hiphoppens normer, hvilket resulterede i musik, der både traditionsbunden, men som samtidig brød med vaner og forventninger. "Love Means" er i min optik pladens pragtstykke, hvor han, sammen med sin kvindelige Canadiske kollega Eternia, beretter om kærlighed. De undgår fuldstændig enhver form for sukkersød vinkel, og ser i stedet på verdens nok mest gennemtærskede emne med en mere objektiv brille, hvilket resulterer i original og helt igennem sublim lyrik.
Beatet, der ganske simpelt er måbende flot sat sammen, står på That Brother Lokey's regning; en producer, jeg ikke mindes at have stødt på. Hvilken ilddåb!
     Der er virkelig mange elementer i spil i beatet, og det tog mig en del gange at "opdage" de forskellige enkeltdele. Fra pianoet, der er mixet ud i venstre side, til den sarte melodi af keys der kører bagerst i omkvædet. Hen imod slutningen, til Shad's andet vers, skifter beatet komplet til et helt andet men mindst lige så flot stykke musik. For at sige det mere enkelt, så er det bare et pragtfuldt nummer, på alle leder og kanter.

Check it, I was thinkin' bout you
But I chose to write to God instead
Met on the page and broke bread
Sometimes my heart it is leaden
Memories I thought I let forget
Overestimated power of regret I guess
I planted seeds and watered in the darkness
I let a tree blossom in the bottom recesses
And yet I often wonder how I got into this mess
Instead of one love its two loves conflict
Interested parties catch eyes catch lie fast
Pick your poison
Like a blood anointing over sins past
It can happen when yesterday collides with the present
Like scratch that I'm not past that
I'm confessin' I can pass that class
I'd rather not if you're the lesson
I would take that punishment, risk losing my blessing
Goin' crazy over something maybe not being the essence
What it seems to me, it seems to me
Polyamory beckons
And I get it, I get why you could love her and me
Love never claimed exclusivity it is free
And neither clarity I wrote this for God to see
But he knew I was gonna do what I did before me
And I don't regret a thing, perfect symmetry
Felt like the way the king intended us to be
So there's no apologies, no rewinding
I would do it all again to show 'em what love means

Love means
Some things we're too in to figure out
Love means
I'm just trynna be fine without knowing it all
Love means
This puzzle with pieces of
Love means
And love's like a glimpse of that right place we fit in

I told me that
I like to write when it's late and I'm sleep deprived
That's when I'm more inclined to joke and just speak my mind
As far as what love means well I can read a line
From the dictionary, but I think I need to redefine
I need to live it to know it
That means I gotta give it and let it be given back to grow it
I gotta sow it to get it, like really get it I gotta show it
Not just talk about it like a lot of poets
A.K.A. moi. You see my day job's
Talking this romantic philosophic je ne sais quoi
And as a lyricist, in my experience
Love's kind of bugged cause my fears and embarrassments
This music's who I always had to share it with
It's like a man that's in love with his therapist
And the affair is a lie but I'm scared
Cause to truly care and be cared for bares a risk
I wake up and I ask God for help
Then go online if my last song was felt
I forget about the pain, I'm gassed on myself
And the goblins in the closet go back on the shelf
Tryna figure what love means

Love means
Some things we're too in to figure out
Love means
I'm just trynna be fine without knowing it all
Love means
This puzzle with pieces of
Love means
And love's like a glimpse of that right place we fit in

*Understanding, being fully understood
Keeping no record of wrong
Having no fear
All you need
My satisfaction is meeting your needs
True freedom
True freedom
Praying for your enemies
A safe space to make mistakes*

Love means, check it out, yeah
Love always has hope for another day
Love is grace, love is patient
Even when it doesn't wanna stay
It doesn't run away, like "andale"
It perseveres and suffers pain
And doesn't suffocate though it holds tight
And it doesn't change
Though some would say that love is vain
And it's just a game for the young ones on lovers lane
Or just the chemistry of the brain
Just science, you know something sane
But you know that love is strange
And wild and heartbreaking and unexplained
Love is dangerous as a dark street - Tuck your chain
Our world's going up in flames
Still love isn't violent, that said it's nothing safe
Cuz it means standing up to hate
So love is costly but love can save and I'm of the faith
But "love your neighbor" isn't a christian or muslim phrase
No one owns it as some brothers claim
From the pulpit or from the stage
And in the coming age
I hope we'll see it as gay, straight and colorless
Sometimes we all feel motherless above the grave
But it's in death and new life when love is made
It's when you're unashamed and finally unafraid
When you confront the pain
Face death and you'll see in the end only love remains"

- Jeppe Barslund

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